VoCA Journal Launch Party
Wednesday February 17, 6-8pm
with 6:30pm remarks from
Robin Clark, Editor
Ronnie Landfield & James McElhinney,
Stux + Haller Gallery
24 W 57th St, New York
Lauren Shadford (PGC 2002), VoCA's Executive Director, kindly invites guggies to celebrate the launch of VoCA's Journal Winter Issue!
VoCA (Voices in Contemporary Art) is a non-profit organization that generates critical dialogue and collaborative programming around the presentation, preservation, and documentation of contemporary art.
We hope to see you there! Please RSVP at your earliest convenience.
Image: Ronnie Landfield, Blue Wall, detail, 1970, Acrylic on Canvas, 82 x 103 in. Courtesy Stux + Haller Gallery